Introduction to programming in Python
Guy Perrier
Master in Cognitive Science
Specialization :  Natural Language Processing
Université de Lorraine
The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the programming language Python.

The plan of the course is the following :
  1. First steps with Python (pdf slides)
    We present some general features of Python and the first basic concepts of expressions, types, variables and assignement instructions.
  2. Control of the instruction flow (pdf slides)
    From the elementary instructions of Python, we show how to build programs by combining sequence of instructions, conditional and repetition instructions.
  3. Types of data (pdf slides)
    We study the main types of data with the functions designed for their manipulation: numeric and boolean types, strings, lists, tuples and dictioniaries.
  4. Functions (pdf slides)
    We show how to define and to use functions and we present the difference between local variables and global variables. Then, we show how to organize a library of functions with modules. Finally, we present specific functions for manipulating files.
  5. Classes and objects (pdf slides)
    We study the syntax of class and instance creation as well as their use. Then, we address some particular features: the parameterized creation of instances, recursive defintions and class inheritance.
  6. External interfaces (pdf slides)
    We study how to manipulate files with Python and how to create graphic interfaces.
