CNRS Researcher in Deep Learning, Natural Language and Speech Processing (NLP)
Invited CNRS roundtable on generative AI at Vivatech 2024
Referent AI for the French National Plan for AI in 2020
Head of the AI-NLP transversal axis at LORIA from 2019
Distinguished Program Committee Member of IJCAI 2019
Nominated in the list of “200 AI French talents” by the magazine Usine Nouvelle in 2018
Head of the SYNALP research team since 2012
Python, go, java, C, git, JAMstack…
Developer: linux, android; preferred tools: github, gitlab, markdown (Mkdocs, Hugo, Jekyll, Reveal.js…), GPU computing (via Pytorch, Tensorflow, JAX), latex, ActivityPub federation, …
Since 2001: CNRS researcher in computer science, speech and NLP
Since 2019: Leader of the AI-NLP transversal axis at the LORIA laboratory
Since 2012: Leader of the SYNALP research team
1999-2000: Researcher at Panasonic Speech Technology Laboratory (Santa Barbara, USA)
Since 2017: Resp. of the Machine Learning course at Ecole des Mines de Nancy
Since 2019: Resp. of the Lexical Resources course at Master M2 TAL Nancy
2019: Co-organizer of Python4NLP summer school
Since 2017: Implied in the management of the ERASMUS MUNDUS Master and construction of the new Master TAL in Nancy
2009: Teaching at Univ. Lorraine
2007: Teaching at Ecole des Mines Nancy
2002-2004: Teaching at Univ. Lorraine
2000-2001: ATER teaching Computer Science at Univ. Lorraine & Eng. school
1996-1999: Moniteur teaching Computer Science at IUT, Licence, Master
Habilitation (HDR), Computer Science; Univ. de Lorraine
Accreditation to supervise researchers
PhD, Computer Science; Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine
Thesis title: Multi-Band Automatic Speech Recognition
(co-)supervised 13 Ph.D. thesis: Pavel Kral, Sébastien Demange, Christian Gillot, Thien Hoa Le, Guillaume Le Berre, Paul Caillon, Alaaeddine Chaoub, Ilias Abdouni, Gaspard Michel, Omar Cherif, Yaya Sy, Guy-Stéphane Waffo Dzuyo, Estelle Zheng
Member of 35 HDR and Ph.D. defense committees: Pavel Kral (2007), Sébastien Demange (2007), Azeddine Zidouni (2010), Sethserey Sam (2011), Christian Gillot (2012), Aymen Baouab (2013), Bikash Gyawali (2016), Layla El Asri (2016), Michal Konkol (2016), Jérémie Tafforeau (2017), Elena Epure (2018), Michel Salomon (HDR, 2018), Pierre Godard (2019), Kevin Löser (2019), Hazem El Saied (2019), Chiari Liti (2020), Jeremy Auguste (2020), Praboda Rajapaksha (2020), Marzieh Mozafari (2021), Nicolas Turpault (2021), Emile Chapuis (2021), Ashwin Geet D’Sa (2022), Koosha Zarei (2022), Betty Fabre (2022), François Buet (2022), José Carlos Rosales NÚÑEZ (2023), Sébastien Montella (2023), David Laiymani (HDR, 2023), Valentin Pelloin (2024), Alexandre Voisin (HDR, 2024), Hadi Abdine (2024), Pavel Priban (2024), Duc Hau Nguyen (2024), Alexandre Audibert (2024), Arthur Amalvy (2024)
Member of 6 MCF Selection Committees: Marseille (2017,2019), Nancy (2019,2020), Paris (2020), Paris (2024)
Reviewer for HCERES, ANR, ANRT and several funding agency
Nancy, France