Publications of year 2013
Otfried Cheong,
Kurt Mehlhorn,
and Monique Teillaud, editors.
Computational Geometry (Dagstuhl Seminar),
number 13101 of Dagstuhl Reports,
Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik.
ISSN: 2192-5283.
Keyword(s): _misc_.
Stephen G. Kobourov,
Martin Nöllenburg,
and Monique Teillaud, editors.
Drawing Graphs and Maps with Curves (Dagstuhl Seminar),
number 13151 of Dagstuhl Reports,
Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik.
ISSN: 2192-5283.
Keyword(s): _misc_.
Articles in journal, book chapters
Efi Fogel and Monique Teillaud.
The Computational Geometry Algorithms Library CGAL.
ACM Communications in Computer Algebra,
September 2013.
Keyword(s): _CGAL_.
Patrizio Angelini,
David Eppstein,
Fabrizio Frati,
Michael Kaufmann,
Sylvain Lazard,
Tamara Mchedlidze,
Monique Teillaud,
and Alexander Wolff.
Universal Point Sets for Planar Graph Drawings with Circular Arcs.
In Proceedings 25th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry,
pages 117-122,
Keyword(s): _misc_.
Mikhail Bogdanov,
Olivier Devillers,
and Monique Teillaud.
Hyperbolic Delaunay complexes and Voronoi diagrams made practical.
In Proceedings 29th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry,
pages 67-76,
Keyword(s): _Other_geometries_,
Mikhail Bogdanov,
Olivier Devillers,
and Monique Teillaud.
Tiling the hyperbolic plane.
In Bending Reality: Where art and science meet,
Note: In association with Dagstuhl Seminar 13151 on Drawing Graphs and Maps with Curves,
Keyword(s): _Other_geometries_,
Mikhail Bogdanov and Monique Teillaud.
Delaunay triangulations and cycles on closed hyperbolic surfaces.
Research Report 8434,
December 2013.
Keyword(s): _Other_geometries_,
Guillaume Damiand and Monique Teillaud.
A Generic Implementation of dD Combinatorial Maps in CGAL.
Research Report 8427,
December 2013.
Keyword(s): _CGAL_,
Rien van de Weygaert,
Gert Vegter,
Herbert Edelsbrunner,
Bernard J.T. Jones,
Pratyush Pranav,
Changbom Park,
Wojciech A. Hellwing,
Bob Eldering,
Nico Kruithof,
Johan Hidding,
Job Feldbrugge,
Eline ten Have,
Matti van Engelen,
Manuel Caroli,
and Monique Teillaud.
Alpha, Betti and the Megaparsec Universe: on the Topology of the Cosmic Web.
Research Report,
Keyword(s): _Other_geometries_,
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Last modified: Tue Mar 11 10:33:15 2025
Author: teillaud.
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