ISeeML  1.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NiSeeMLAll ISeeML' objects are defined in a single namespace
 NgeomISeeML' geometric objects are gathered in this namespace
 CBasicObjectThis class defines basic 2D geometric objects, from which compound geometric objects are built
 CObjectThis class is the base class of the 2D geometric namespace of ISeeML: every geometric object inherits this one
 CPointThis class defines 2D geometric points, defined by their Cartesian coordinates
 CVectorThis class defines 2D geometric vectors, which can be defined by their Polar or Cartesian coordinates
 NrobISeeML' robotic objects are gathered in this namespace
 CArrayPathsThis class defines compound (or complex, or composed) paths, which are made of a set of basic paths
 CBasicPathThis class defines superclass of basic paths, from which compound paths can be built
 CCompoundPathThis class defines compound (or complex, or composed) paths, which are made of a set of basic paths
 CCurvConfigThis class defines a more precise configuration than classical ones for mobile robots
 CDubinsLikePathThis class defines Dubins like paths, which are similar to Dubins paths
 CDubinsPathThis class defines Dubins' paths, made of circular arcs tangentially connected by line segments, with no back-up maneuvres, corresponding to an optimal forward-only motion with a lower bounded turning radius
 CFscPathObjects of this class are Forward-only Sub-optimal Continuous-curvature (FSC) paths, made of circular arcs, pieces of clothoid and line segments
 CLinCurvPathThis class defines linear curvature elementary paths, for which the curvature derivative (with respect to the arc length) is constant
 CObjectThis class is the base class of robotic namespace of ISeeML: every robotic object inherits this one
 COrPtConfigThis class defines a standard robotic configuration, containing the position of a reference point and the orientation of a main axis
 CPathThis class is the base class of all robotic paths in ISeeML
 CObjectThis class is the base class of ISeeML: every class of ISeeML inherits this one