File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 analytic.cppPath following controller class, with an analytic approach
 analytic.hppPath following controller class, with an analytic approach
 controller.cppController abstract class
 controller.hppController abstract class
 ctrlWdgt.hppQt based control widget for qt_ctrl
 display.cppQt widget displaying data for qt_ctrl
 display.hppQt widget displaying data for qt_ctrl
 file.cppFile controller (teleoperation) class
 file.hppFile controller (teleoperation) class
 goPID.cppPID controller reaching an oriented point
 goPID.hppPID controller reaching an oriented point
 imitate.cppPath following controller class, copying the velocities
 imitate.hppPath following controller class, copying the velocities
 inputDialog.cppQt dialogs to get an array of double values or an oriented point, and also base class of the controller selection dialog
 inputDialog.hppQt dialogs to get an array of double values or an oriented point, and also base class of the controller selection dialog
 keyboard.hppKeyboard controller (teleoperation) class
 motion.cppMotion model for qt_ctrl
 motion.hppMotion model for qt_ctrl
 overview.cppQt based overview of the robot's motion
 overview.hppQt based overview of the robot's motion
 PID.cppPath following controller class, using a PID
 PID.hppPath following controller class, using a PID
 reach.hppOriented point reaching controller abstract class
 ROS_node.cppROS communication central!
 ROS_node.hppROS communication node
 selectCtrl.cppQt dialog window to select the control used by the qt_ctrl GUI
 selectCtrl.hppQt dialog window to select the control used by the qt_ctrl GUI
 smoothPath.cppOriented point reaching controller class using a smooth path generator
 smoothPath.hppOriented point reaching controller class using a smooth path generator
 state.hppState class, i.e. configuration and velocities
 teleop.cppQt based teleoperation widget for qt_ctrl
 teleop.hppQt based teleoperation widget for qt_ctrl
 thread.cppQt based thread for qt_ctrl package
 thread.hppQt based thread for qt_ctrl package
 track.cppPath following controller abstract class
 track.hppPath following controller abstract class
 viewCtrl.cppQt control widget showing current and aimed velocities
 viewCtrl.hppQt control widget showing current and aimed velocities
 window.cppQt based GUI for qt_ctrl
 window.hppQt based GUI for qt_ctrl package

Author(s): Alexis Scheuer
autogenerated on Wed Dec 16 2020 15:51:32